Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 78 year old Maurice Francois also known as Lake and Kamachure of Thibaud

Death Announcement of 78 year old Maurice Francois also known as Lake and Kamachure of Thibaud

We announce the death of Maurice Francois also known as Lake and Kamachure

Age: 78 years old of Thibaud

He died on Thursday 16th May at the China Friendship Hospital.

He will be remembered by:

Brothers: Justin Leblanc, Ghea Andre, Erington Letang, Martin Francois

Sisters:  Ruthin Harper, Deya Francois and Ottina Francois in Guadeloupe

Brother in law:  Henry Harper in Marigot

Sister in Law:  Roslyn Leblanc in Massacre

Nieces: Merlyn, Velina, Jennifer LeBlanc and Kaynia Harper in the USA, Ezrah LeBlanc in Canada, Shevlyn Leblanc, Kayon Harper in Tortola, Cindy and Sizzette Letang,  Anna Francois in St. Croix

Nephews: Jolly Larry Leblanc an employee at DOWASCO, Rodney Leblanc employee at Domlec, Rudy & Lester Harper in Tortola, Ed Letang in Guadeloupe, Alie Francois in St. Croix

Several grand and great grand nieces and nephews too numerous to mention.

Other close relatives and friends including: Amoy Francois & family, Joyce Frampton, Nurse Ingrid Letang, Joanie Honore & family, Mandy, NEP group, Naiomi, Valdo, Francess Royer and the communities of Thibaud and Paix Bouche.

The body of the late Maurice Francois also known as Lake and Kamachure will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:00pm at the Thibaud Roman Catholic Church on Friday 24th May 2024. Funeral Mass begins at 2:30pm followed by interment at the Vielle Case Roman Catholic Cemetery.

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