Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 90 year old Camelia Alfred Scotland better known as Ma Scotland, Ma Quengie and Tanty Camie  from Castle Bruce who resided as 266 Riverside Apartment, Roseau

Death Announcement of 90 year old Camelia Alfred Scotland better known as Ma Scotland, Ma Quengie and Tanty Camie  from Castle Bruce who resided as 266 Riverside Apartment, Roseau

We announce the death of Mrs. Camelia Alfred Scotland better known as Ma Scotland, Ma Quengie and Tanty Camie, age 90 from Castle Bruce who resided as 266 Riverside Apartment, Roseau.  She died on Sunday 3rd December 2023 at her residence

She leaves to mourn:

9 children: Rosalind Rabess, Jefferson Scotland, Anthony Scotland, John  Scotland, Bababra Scotland,  Martha, Pitt Freddy Scotland-Casimir, Gregory Scotland and Ian Scotland

She is preceded by husband Augustin Scotland and children, Clement and Merle Scotland Charles and Grandson Iyodle.

24 grand children

28 Great grand children

2 great great grand children

Sons-in-law: Gregory Rabess and Hayes Casimir

Daughters in law: Carol, Eris and Aldith

Sister in law: Marina Jno Finn

Brothers: Justin and Terrence Joseph

Sisters: Eileen Roach and Anestasie Joseph

Many nieces and nephews and cousins to include: the Giddings, the Prevost, the Scotlands, the Bannis; Carmen Hodge, Prisma Joseph and Miranda Alfred

Special Friends: Flossie Lockhart, Higgs Adams, Clariel, Natalia Kanen, Marie Denis Barbel, the Feveriers and the Georges Families,

Neighbours: the Johnsons, the Edwards, Loblacks, the Thomas and the Pascal families and all the Riverside Apartments

Caretaker: Helena, Margaret and Dr. Fadipe

Many friends and relatives at home and abroad too numerous to mention

The body of the late Mrs. Camelia Alfred Scotland better known as Ma Scotland, Ma Quengie and Tanty Camie will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30pm at the Roseau Cathedral Chapel on Friday, 29th December 2023. Funeral Mass takes place at 3:00pm followed by interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.

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