Dominica Editor's Choice



The Waitukubuli Dance Theatre Company celebrates its 52nd anniversary with a dance production entitled “SPLENDOURS OF WAITUKUBULI” on the weekend of November 17th, 18th and 19th 2023 at the Old Mill Cultural Centre.

Artistic Director of the Company, Raymond Lawrence, says the 52nd anniversary dance production promises to be a very exciting and colourful event featuring dances accompanied by creole rhythms and afro beats and other types of music.  

The production will include performances by the four sections of the group – the Seniors, the Juniors, Past Dancers and also Children Performers as well. There will also be special guest artists on the programme.

On Friday November 17th and Saturday November 18th the show will begin at 8pm and on Sunday November 19th the show will start at 6pm. Tickets cost $40 for Adults and $20 for Children under the age of 12. Tickets are available at Depex and Bulls Eye Pharmacy.

The Dance Company wishes to recognise and thank its sponsors – the Cultural Division, the Dominica Lotteries Commission, the National Bank of Dominica, EH Charles & Co. Ltd, PH Williams & Co. Ltd, the National Cooperative Credit Union (NCCU), Argos Dominica Ltd., DOWASCO, Francis Enterprises and Duncan Stowe. The Dance Company is grateful to all of its sponsors who have come forward to assist the group with its anniversary production.

The Waitukubuli Dance Theatre Company was founded in January 1971 and through its 52 years has toured about 10 Caribbean countries, represented Dominica at EXPO 86 in Vancouver, Canada, Crop Over in Barbados and CARIFESTA in Trinidad in 2019. The group has also staged numerous local dance productions, performed at all major festivals in Dominica and participated in regional dance festivals. The group has organized and staged the popular Miss Teen Dominica Pageant for 44 years.

Among its awards, the Waitukubuli Dance Theatre Company received the Golden Drum Award – Dominica’s highest cultural award, in 2003. It also received the Edward Oliver Leblanc trophy twice – in 1984 and 1985.

Artistic Director Raymond Lawrence thanks the Almighty Father for this remarkable achievement and milestone of the Dance Company. He said the Company could never have arrived at 52 years of dance promotion and development without the help of God. He also thanks the past and present members of the Company, the private sector and the general public for their many years of support.

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