The Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries, Blue and Green Economy extends sincere sympathies to the family, friends and colleagues of Gregory Linton upon his passing.
Gregory Linton was an Agricultural Engineer, employed with the Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI) as its Representative in St. Vincent and the Grenadines.
Before his assignment with CARDI, Mr. Linton served as a Quarantine Inspector with Dominica’s Ministry of Agriculture, and was later attached to the Surveillance and Monitoring Unit of the Plant Protection Unit.
He was the Lead Technician in the Biological Control Programme and instrumental in the management of economical pests such as the Citrus Weevil, Citrus Aphids, Citrus Psyllid, Black Fly, Fruit fly and the Pink Hibiscus Mealybug. In the course of his work, he assisted in the wearing, multiplication and distribution of natural enemies of the pests.
Under a Government of Dominica and Government of Mexico scholarship programme, Mr. Linton pursued his passion for entomology at the Chapingo Autonomous University in Mexico where he trained in Agricultural Parasitology. He also held a Master of Science in Plant Protection.
His former colleagues at the Ministry of Agriculture are deeply saddened by his passing, and remember Greg for his humility, professionalism and dedication to the field of agricultural research and development.
May he rest in eternal peace.