It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of 80 year old Oliver Sorhaindo of Delices.
He died on October 31st 2022 at the Dominica CF Hospital.
He left to mourn :
His wife Ula Sorhaindo
Andrew , James and Angela Sorhaindo
Grand children :
Cuthbert and Jeffers Ettienne, Amalie James – Lecointe, Romello and Khalya Frampton, Solomon , Shyanne, Reon, Kaian, Shyniah, Harlem, Jayda, Azariah Archibald Sorhaindo
Suriaya , Amani Charles- Archibald
Great Grand Children:
Khaeim , Tay-j , Tyson, Kaon, Jurnee Zuri
Siblings :
Lawrence Jno Baptiste in London
Doreen Dubique in Boston USA
Sylma Prevost
Nieces and nephews :
Sandra , Davina, Paul and Peter In London
Donavan , Dunstan, Deborah, Allen , Albern, Vanessa and Ezra in the USA.Glenford , Sonia, Clayton Fanso Jno Baptiste, Grace , Josephine, Maria, Janice , Anelta, Janice, Edna, Fitzroy , Roy , Eddie, Steven , Marcell Larrissa Nyron among others.
In Laws:
Fenton Frampton
Augustus Prevost
Hamilton Lecointe
Leanne Ettienne
Care giver
Avril Hillare
Kezah and Chezel
Close Relatives
John masby baron
Marcella Augustine
Gabriel Baron
Nolan Joseph
Daniel baron
Close friends
Julia Joseph
Joan Guiste and family
Mr and Mrs Delta Randolph Lewis
Clement jno Baptiste
Zel einsworth Joseph
Augustina Bernard
Richard ferdinan
Scott lewis
Paul degallerie
The members of the Delices and the South East sports committee, the Sorhaindos, Hillares, Barons and many other families in Delices, Boetica, Laroche, Laronde, Laplaine and Petite Savanne. The staff of the Imray ward and many others too numerous to mention.
Funeral will be held on Saturday 26th November 2022
At Church on the way, Delices
Viewing 2pm
Service Begins 2:30pm
Follow by interment at the Delices Public Cemetery
Funeral service entrusted to Gentle Rest Funeral Services.