(WCK Press Release) -WCK feels privileged to be included on the line up of the 2022 World Creole Music Festival alongside the other local acts. We are one of the musical units that has and continues to pioneer the development of the Bouyon music genre, having produced numerous albums and hits over the years and performed at numerous events globally.
All through the existence of WCK, many artists have made their talents available and have shared in the band’s journey. Members have come and gone, and some have returned to the fold. Our interest has always been to keep the WCK Brand alive and to this end we, members past and present, have had to endure years of challenges, most hurtful and impactful, ones coming from within the group itself.
As a band, WCK has made several attempts to address its internal issues discreetly. Over the years we have had several interventions from Well-wishers, from Private/ Public sectors such as business professionals, Attorneys, not forgetting Government and Political Party Officials who sought to provide some guidance and direction to assist the band in correcting the enduring matters among its membership. Sadly, many issues remain unresolved primarily because of behaviors and activities of a sole individual.
For some time now, we have been listening in disbelief to destructive statements and reading comments from a contributor to the WCK band and Bouyon music. We regret that after so many years the individual has and continues to launch attacks on WCK and its entire membership. WCK was/is hoping that we never have to speak publicly on our internal issues, but instead would be able to, after many attempts through meetings, accept his return to the fold on a common ground, where we can all be on the same stage performing great music, music we produced under the WCK banner.
However, it appears that our interest to discuss our issues internally may have been taken as a sign that this individual and his public statements would be truthful, and so numerous WCK and Bouyon Music fans are making comments, without having any knowledge of what is going on in the Bouyon kitchen of WCK, the heat that the rest of us have had to quietly endure.
No one knows what we have been struggling with off stage. No one knows how difficult it has been to perform with that band member while numerous outstanding matters were left unresolved. On many occasions during the lifetime of WCK we have made difficult compromises and still took the stage all in the interest of our fans, the public, and Dominica.
His behavior within the band over the years was very undisciplined, unmanageable, untrustworthy, intolerable, and unrepentant. The result has been that we have had to endure incessant personal attacks and public embarrassment, hence the reason why there exists a strained relationship between him and most of the other band members.
After having endured so much, a collective decision was taken to cut ties. We cannot go into specifics since there is presently a matter pending before the Courts. We considered the pros and the cons and at the end of it all, we had two options, either terminate the musical group known as WCK or continue without the retrogressing factor. The decision was taken to continue performing for the many fans.
We have not nor are in any way disputing the contribution of the individual to Bouyon Music and to WCK, however WCK never was, and will never be one man. The individual has made public that he received a letter from WCK and has misled the public on social media about the contents of that letter. We therefore call on him to make this letter in its entirety as signed by the signatories public in order to verify his allegations.
We are sure that the individual is fully aware of all the matters on the table in which he is the principal, and that he knows why the decision was taken and knows what he needs to do to restore the relationship.
In all his utterances he has failed in presenting the whole truth to the public and is seeking sympathy while painting all other members as the problem within the band. It would seem, based on his statements that there is a conspiracy against him. We were hoping that age would bring reason and adult men could sit, accept shortcomings, make restoration, and repair relationships to allow the band to keep performing
music for the people.
We still hope that a man who speaks of “truth, love, and righteousness” would first demonstrate those values within the musical family he has continuously hurt so badly and for so long, before seeking to be a public advocate of such ideals. WCK would like to thank all those who contributed to the band’s development in whatever capacity. We thank you from our hearts. We would like to ask that the public respect our decision as a unit. WCK will be putting on a memorable performance at this year’s World Creole Music Festival that the public is sure to enjoy, so don’t you miss it. We wish the individual well in his future endeavors. We really do. We did great things together.
Ashton Lugay, Cornell Phillip, Keith Goddard, Irvine Phillip, Pellam Jno Baptiste.
Press release from WCK
Hmmmmmmm. As much as I love the original WCK. I won’t be attending their performance at the WCMF if this individual is not there period. You may say oh is just one but many people feel the same way. And besides there is 3 sides to every story. The signatories side, the outcast individual side and the truth. I pray for a miracle.
Last Night While Sleeping
A Went to AFRICA
The Dream SO TRUE
OH Zamo ZIANBA. ” Gaylords”
I want to know who can sing and will be singing what “this individual” sang… so i not interested
So who is the lead singer now for WCK? The way things going is best benji and delly perform with them for the night.