Dominica Editor's Choice

Dominican Youth inducted as Youth Parliamentarian at the Montserrat Youth Parliament 2022

Dominican Youth inducted as Youth Parliamentarian at the Montserrat Youth Parliament 2022

Mr. St.Luke Junior Le Blanc of the northern community of Penville has been inducted as a Youth Parliamentarian at the Montserrat Youth Parliament. Le Blanc, who is currently pursuing a Bachelor ’s degree in political science at the University of the West Indies Open Campus Montserrat, holds the position as Deputy Premiere and Minister of Agriculture, Land, Housing and Environment.

Upon interview with Emonews, Le Blanc expressed, “I am indeed elated to be a part of the Montserrat youth parliament, as I can now stand as an advocate and voice for my fellow young people in Montserrat, those young persons who have lost hope in our parliamentarians who are doing contrary to the oath they swore to.”

While he may not become a parliamentarian in Montserrat due to the fact that he is not a Montserratian or have any family ties there, it is his intention to one day become a diplomat or lobbyist. Nonetheless, he makes clear that if the opportunity to become a Parliamentarian presents itself in either Dominica or Montserrat he will consider it meticulously.

Moreover, he believes that he is ideal for the position assigned to him as he understands the importance of the departments under his portfolio and how critical it is for a country to be able to feed its self. “Montserrat like other parts of the region has the potential for sustainable development particularly in the agricultural sector. Areas of concern are agro-processing, crop harvesting, livestock raising and selective breeding but much emphasis is not being placed on these areas, as persons are not motivated,” he stated.

Furthermore, he added, “The importation of goods is a major factor, for example, a farmer in Dominica would sell their dasheen to hucksters for about $1.00 per pound and a medium size dasheen that does not even weigh 5 pounds is being sold in the supermarkets in Montserrat for $15 to $20. Plantain is being sold at $7.00 per pound and yes, this is crazy.” It is because of this that he seeks to advocate for a new attitude towards agriculture.

Le Blanc believes that there is an abundance of crop wastage on the island of Montserrat. Nonetheless, he sees a future for agro processing such as castor oil, fruit juices, rum punches, bottled water, pepper flakes, just to name a few. “Another area of interest is our actions towards the environment as we are now faced with pollution, land use change, deforestation, and what the entire world is talking about, climate change. I see a vision of keeping the emerald island of the Caribbean clean and green whilst improving the quality of the nation’s forest, wild life and marine life,” he articulated.

When asked what impact he seeks to have on the youth, Le Blanc voiced that he wishes to educate every young man and woman on the island of Montserrat about the importance of voting, as there is a significant difference between party politics and politics. He stated, “I seek to help them understand that politics is the clothes and shoes we wear, the custom charges, the high gas prices, the job they go to every day, and politics is indeed their future.”

Additionally, he pointed out that the young people need to understand that a country and its development goes far beyond the love and hate for a particular political party. “I aim to shift the negative mindset that many of our youths have in politics and come together for nothing short of national development in whichever place interests you,” he emphasized.

Le Blanc made a call to all youths imploring that they should not hide in their shadows. He quoted Mahatma Gandhi, encouraging persons to be the change they would like to see in the world. “I feel that the younger generation’s voice and expertise full of innovative, creative, and bright ideas are being missed out on,” he noted.

Pointedly, he thanked his parents, Monica and Luke Le Blanc for being highly instrumental in his achievements thus far. “They have never given up on me; even the times when I gave up on myself. I have seen the sacrifices they made and the joy it brings them when I excel in different areas,” he articulated.

Confidently, Le Blanc stated, “The world is filled with several global issues that government can solve at the local level. I see them and see the possible ways they can be managed or dealt with, and sometimes wonder if leaders are blind or just naive to the fact. Those are the reasons I am taking the route I am walking today.”

While Le Blanc puts his dreams into action, he is confident that he can make changes both at home and abroad.

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