Dominica Editor's Choice

NECS Class Of 2020 Told That The Journey Never Ends; Charged To Recognize World They Live In And To Make Meaningful Contributions

NECS Class Of 2020 Told That The Journey Never Ends; Charged To Recognize World They Live In And To Make Meaningful Contributions

It was an emotional time as the students of the North East Comprehensive School (NECS) entered the auditorium at the 14th graduation ceremony of the school.

Valedictorian, Claire Ann Telemaque, charged with the privilege of reminiscing on some of the highlights of their 5 year journey, began with a quote from Benjamin Franklin which talks of investing in knowledge. She praised her class for doing just that for the last 5 years.

Telemaque recognized the efforts of parents and teachers in helping them in their journey and reminded her class that this is not the end of the journey.”Fellow graduates, though we are about to depart from this educational institution that has nurtured us to be the people that we are today, note, that this is not the end of our journey.  There will never be an end to the journey that we are on. As a matter of fact, this journey that is called the life only continues”.


She encouraged the class that whatever road they may take from now on, whether work or higher education to remember the graduation theme which says, “Strive for Progress not for Perfection”.

It was of course a condensed version of what many have come to expect of high school graduation. Missing was the customary class song which is usually sung by the graduates, as well as special performances highlighting the talents of the youth. A teacher standing near to sanitize each child before he ascended the stage as well as the absence of the customary handshake on the receipt of the diploma were distinguishing marks of the COVID-19 pandemic which caused many students to doubt whether they would miss out on this important day of their lives or whether they would have had to celebrate it in a most unfamiliar fashion.

Principal, Danley James reminded the students of the challenges and opportunities that present themselves in today’s world.

He said,  “You are graduating in a century still in its infancy. A time in history when our world is dealing with enormous challenges nevertheless even greater opportunities have been created by said  challenges. You are of the technological age born and educated in a world that was only found in science fiction stories…You Tweet, You WhatsApp, you download and use apps, you read books and went to School online during COVID-19”. He said that they may be called upon to solve environmental challenges like Global Warming, Conservation of Natural Resources and the Development of Alternative Energy Sources and some of them may be the ones to find the cure to cancer or even COVID-19.

The graduation ceremony was held on Monday 10, August at the school’s amphitheater.

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