Dominica Editor's Choice

DCP Successors Ltd. donates a total of 200 cases of our REAL and REDDY to front line institutions

DCP Successors Ltd. donates a total of 200 cases of our REAL and REDDY  to front line institutions
In this war against COVID-19, there are a number of public servants, such as nurses, Customs officers, DASPA perso
nnel, police and fire officers, who are on the frontline and need to be even more vigilant than regular citizens, when it comes to safeguarding themselves against contracting the virus.
In addition, we have the hospital and health centers, as well as facilities that care for the elderly and other high risk groups, such as the Infirmary, Grotto Home for the Homeless, and CHANCES .
It is with this in mind that DCP Successors Ltd. has decided to donate a total of 200 cases of our REAL and REDDY soaps to these institutions to ensure that each of their members receives a 3 pack of soap to take home to their families, as well as ensuring that the hospital and these other care facilities have sufficient soap for their internal use.
The Romans and Egyptians were making soap as early as 2800 B.C. 5,000 years later, those ancient methods and ingredients have not changed. Soap remains the most effective way to avoid bacteria and viruses. A Real gift passed on to us from our ancestors.
Soap, humanity’s Real friend! Practicing good hygiene by using simple, basic bar soap is still the most effective way of washing your hands as it creates the necessary cleansing lather to do this, and is the most powerful tool to fight the Coronavirus.
We are living in unprecedented times with measures being taken worldwide that we’ve never seen in our lifetime. However, it is up to every one of us to take the necessary precautions and to play our part in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in Dominica, and this is our way of doing just that.
We would like to sincerely thank all these hardworking and dedicated public servants and institutions for their service to the country, especially in these challenging times and would also like to encourage everyone to adopt these good hygiene measures in their daily lives and to stay safe.
We have been through Erika and Maria.
We will overcome this too!
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Emo News Editors

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