Dominica Editor's Choice

ANNOUNCEMENT: Bulls Eye Pharmacy will be closed for at least two weeks from tomorrow March 25, 2020.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Bulls Eye Pharmacy will be closed for at least two weeks from tomorrow March 25, 2020.

To our beloved customers and friends, Bulls Eye Pharmacy thank you for your dedicated patronage over the years. We love you and care for you. We care about your health and we are deeply concerned about our staff and their safety.

Today We have taken the decision to implement phase 3. We have decided not put our family, Team Bulls Eye, and any Dominican in any further danger therefore Bulls Eye Pharmacy will be closed for at least two weeks from tomorrow March 25, 2020.

The number of infected persons are climbing all around the world and in our beloved country. Barbados for example, moved from two to 17 cases in a matter of days. More importantly the UK is asking pharmacists, pharmacy technicians and employees to get tested.

We urge all persons in need of any medication today is the last day to get it from Bulls Eye Pharmacy. No one will be available after today to assist you. We know it is inconvenient. We apologize sincerely for the inconvenience but these are tough times calling for tough decisions to protect lives.

We at Team Bulls Eye thank you for your understanding. We at Bulls Eye Pharmacy are taking social distancing seriously!

We ask that you emulate our lead and do everything in your power to be safe. Take social distancing seriously!!

Please, I implore you do not panic but do everything in your power to remain safe from Clovid 19. By the grace of God Dominica can overcome! Dominica will overcome!

I thank you.

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