Dominica Press release

15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of SIGNIS Caribbean

15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of SIGNIS Caribbean

A Caribbean Assembly of persons involved in Catholic Communications was among the ideas accepted at the recent 15th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of SIGNIS Caribbean (SC).

SC is an association of Catholic media practitioners and professionals from the Antilles Episcopal Conference (AEC).

Training is also on the agenda for the next year, including continuing formation by an international expert in the field of Crisis Communications, and a workshop on Narrative 4. Led by a global educational organisation, Narrative 4 uses personal storytelling to build empathy between people so they can improve their communities and the world together.

SC members also agreed to continue work on creating a cluster structure of dioceses to bolster Catholic Communications in the Caribbean.

The AGM, held via ZOOM on February 20th, 2025, was attended by nine of the 12 member dioceses, most of which submitted reports ahead of the meeting. The reports outlined the
activities and the needs of members in the area of Communications. Those needs included human
resources, equipment, and training. SC is working on a funding proposal, with the assistance of
SIGNIS World, to fill some of those needs.

SC President Lisa Bhajan spoke of the symbiotic relationship between SC and the AEC Communications Commission. She likened the Commission to flowers offering nectar, while SC was like bees spreading the stories of hope, the Good News from the various dioceses. She added that the bees—the SC members—must return to their “hives” to strengthen and sustain their operations, creating a cycle of mutual support where both the bees and flowers thrive.

Archbishop Gabriel Malzaire, who is chair of the AEC’s Communications Commission, commended SC for the good work it has been doing, pledged his support and blessed its plans.

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