SDGs Knowledge Platform
PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad – The Caribbean Civil Society SDGs Knowledge Platform is now live. Created as an online virtual space to connect people and organisations with information on or an interest in the role of Caribbean civil society in implementing the 2030 sustainable development agenda and sustainable development goals, it gives civil society organisations (CSOs) working on sustainable development issues across the region a convenient place to access, share and learn, network and collaborate on these matters.
This is significant for enhancing the participation of civil society as a key development partner and supports their more effective role in implementing change, raising awareness and advocating around the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
“We welcome the growing participation of civil society in policy dialogues and government decision-making… civil society organizations bring with them an independent voice of accountability that the 2030 agenda envisions. They also possess the networks, skills, knowledge and other capacities that need to be fully leveraged by governments to accelerate progress at all levels.” ~ UN deputy secretary-general Amina Mohammed
CANARI created the knowledge platform as part of the project CSOs for good governance: enhancing civil society’s contribution to governance and development processes in Trinidad and Tobago (CSOs4GoodGov), which is being…