
Taiwan helps Saint Lucia banana farmers gain access to international market

Taiwan helps Saint Lucia banana farmers gain access to international market

The Taiwan Technical Mission (ICDF) on Wednesday last week handed over some 38 pack houses to local banana farmers.

The facilities, which have been under construction during the past month, with funds from the ICDF, is part of a post-Tropical Storm Kirk program designed to ensure that more banana farmers obtain Global GAP certification, thereby gain access to the international banana market.

In a short ceremony held at Troumasse, Micoud to hand over the first 15 of the 38 pack houses to farmers, Mr. Mario Cheng, head of the Taiwan Technical Mission, said his government was pleased to assist the Banana Productivity Project of the Ministry of Agriculture, and by extension local banana farmers, to obtain Global GAP certification. With certification, he said it means that more local farmers can now sell their fruits on the international market. He urged the farmers to continue to produce good quality fruits and apply good agricultural practices at all times.

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