Antigua:Effective January 2nd residents of Antigua and Barbuda once observed and caught by Police Officers will be ticketed for holding and using a mobile device while driving.
The Vehicles and Road Traffic Amendment Act 2018 amended section 56 of the principal Act and added to the offence of careless Driving holding and using a hand-held mobile device.
Further the Vehicles and Road Traffic (Mobile Devices) Regulations of 2019 made stipulations in, Regulation 4 and created a prohibition on driving while holding or using a handheld mobile device.
Regulation 6 prohibits electronic messaging while driving.
The Vehicle and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) (Amendment) Order 2019 makes it an offence for driving and using handheld device. Contrary regulation 4 of Vehicles and Road Traffic (Mobile Devices) Regulations of 2019 permits police officers to issue a ticket (fixed penalty of 500) if you are observed holding and using mobile device while driving.
The Vehicle and Road Traffic (Enforcement and Administration) (Amendment) Order 2019 makes it and offence for individuals to view, send or compose and electronic message. Further Regulation 6 of the Vehicles and Road Traffic (mobile devices) regulations 2019 permits Police Officers to issue a ticket (fixed penalty of 500), if you are observed holding and using mobile device while driving.