Women in the Maritime Industry in Dominica have come together to launch WiMAC (Women in Maritime Association, Caribbean) – Dominica Chapter.
The Launching was held at the Fort Young Hotel, on Friday 30th August, 2019. WiMAC was initially launched in April 2015 under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization (IMO). The mandate of WiMAC is to represent the interests of women in the maritime industry in the Caribbean, nationally, regionally and internationally. As stated in its Articles of Association, the purpose of the organization is to:
- Create a network to inspire, engage, educate and empower women in the Maritime industry and enable them to contribute to the development of the industry in the region.
- Increase the involvement of women in the maritime industry by creating a platform and Forum for the effective articulation and promotion of the contribution of women to the Industry.
- Promote the awareness among young women of career opportunities within the maritime sector.
The Board Members of the Organization are:
- President: Tamara Lowe (Island Manager of Tropical Shipping)
- Vice President: Gloria Tavernier (Managing Director of Networking Trading Inc.)
- Treasurer: Julia Joseph (Accounts Executive Assistant at DASPA)
- Secretary: Tamica Bedneau (Senior Admin Clerk at DASPA)
- National Liason/Member at Large: Bethude Azille (Port Manager Portsmouth, DASPA)
- Member at Large: Melissa Morgan (Director Gender Affairs)
Special Guests at the event included Mr. Benoit Bardouille, CEO of DASPA, Ms. Melissa Morgan (Director of Gender Affairs), the Representative for Honorable Petter St. Jean (Ministry of Education) and Mr. Albert Peter (Assistant Maritime Administrator, Maritime Department.
Mr. Bardouille, in his remarks, pledged his support to the Women in the Maritime Industry and expressed how proud he was of their Contributions and Achievements thus far.