Since the increase in the cost of fuel, notifications concerning the new bus fares for particular communities have been disseminated via social media.
However, Acting Superintendent of Police, Leana Edwards, filed this report, on behalf of the Chief of Police, in regards to this matter.
“It has been brought to the attention of the Chief of Police, who is the chairman of the Dominica Transport Board that bus drivers have increased bus fares in certain communities on island.
Let me inform the bus drivers that there is a process by which bus fares are increased. The Vehicle and Road Traffic Acts, number 46:50 of the laws of the Commonwealth of Dominica 2017, indicates that the transport board has to advise on transport rates, fares, tolls dues or other charges. Consequently, there must be engagement with the Dominica Transport Board, where a formal request is made. Discussions and consultation must take place and a recommendation is then made for consideration and approval based on these engagements.
It is an offense for a bus driver to make commuters pay an increase in bus fares without the required approval. I therefore request, that the public reports on any incident where increase rates are demanded of them. The bus drivers are advised to make a formal request to the Dominica Transport Board for any rate change desired.”