What does law and reducing NCDs have in common? The Caribbean Public Health Law Forum (CPHLF) has the most practical and innovative response to this question.
Launched in June 2021 as a joint initiative between the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO/ WHO) and Caribbean Court of Justice Academy for Law (CAFL), the CPHLF is led by action – oriented missions. These obligations include the promotion of increased awareness on the role of, and best practices in the use of law to prevent and control NCDs, as well as the development of improved capacity within the region to leverage advocacy for public health.
After just one year since its launch, the CPHLF has notable achievements to celebrate. Their successes include increased membership and interest across the region, and the identification of priority health areas that lead to the establishment of working groups on addressing tobacco control and nutrition/ food policy. Such efforts have been timely, in light our Region’s urgent need to address and promote healthy diets through the implementation of nutrition policies. These guidelines include policies to remove Industrially Produced Trans Fatty Acids (IP-TFAs) through the Elimination of Partially Hydrogenated Oils (PHOs) from the Regional Food Supply, as well as the promotion of evidence-based standards on front- of-package warning labels, which encourage consumers to make healthy food choices.
To mark this auspicious occasion, the CPHLF has launched their quarterly newsletter during a virtual event, arranged to commemorate their first-year anniversary. The newsletter will outline the ongoing work of the CPHLF, alongside interesting and engaging features on its members.
The CPHLF comprises an expert team from the fields of health, law, academia, civil society. They collaborate to advance the Caribbean’s public health goals and the promotion of the human right to health, through capacity building and contribution to the development of policies and legislation to tackle NCDs in the Caribbean. The Forum’s operations are guided by a Steering Committee comprising individuals from PAHO/WHO, CAFL, Healthy Caribbean Coalition (HCC), The Faculty of Law at the University of the West Indies Cave Hill Campus, the CARICOM Secretariat, and the Plenary Group.
On this noteworthy occasion, the CPHLF extends their gratitude to all involved entities, as well as The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union), whose funding has been key to the Forum’s achievements.
To indicate your interest in joining the CPHLF, please use the contact below.
Lisa Bayley – [email protected] / Ave Le Blanc – [email protected]
PAHO/WHO Office of the Subregional Program Coordination (Caribbean)