On Sunday 29, September, the Dominica Labour Party officially launched its candidate for the Roseau Valley Constituency in the person in Dr. Irving McIntyre.
Dr. McIntyre who has been employed in the service of Dominica for many years says that the people of the Roseau Valley ought not to fear his candidacy.”Our agenda I ambitious and far-reaching; improvements to the road network I the Roseau Valley has been a major priority for this Labour Party Government.
This is important for the economic growth of our constituency since Tourism and Agriculture depend significantly on a safe and efficient road network.”Dr. McIntyre said that we will ensure that the ongoing road projects will be completed during his term as Parliamentary Representative.
He also plans to address the issue of land slippage in the constituency, renovate all the bus stops and make them comfortable, put in place adequate street lighting and the continuation of housing assistance for those affected by Hurricane Maria.
Dr. Irving McIntyre has been endorsed by his brother parliamentary representative, Hon. Colin McIntyre.