Dominica Editor's Choice

DSS Students Debate Mandatory Social Security Contributions For Self Employed Persons

DSS Students Debate Mandatory Social Security Contributions For Self Employed Persons

The Dominica Social Security(DSS) joined forces with the Literary and Debate Club of the Dominica State College(DSC) to continue the discussion on Social Security contributions.

The students of the DSC did an amazing job as always, preparing for debates in short periods of time.


This debate saw first year students Hananel Valerie and Shawnalee Gordon propose the moot ‘Mandatory Participation in the DSS program- essential for the Self-employed, while second year students Jermasha Mellow and Wanita Drigo opposed.

The proponents held to the point that the DSS program is beneficial to self employed persons while the opponents argued that uncertainty of job security of self employed persons coupled with the lack of incentives and rates in favor of employees act as deterrents to self employed persons contributing to the DSS.

In the end the three person panel of judges named the proponents as victors with Shawnalee Gordon being awarded the best speaker.

The debate formed part of the 45th anniversary celebrations of the DSS.

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Emo News Editors

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