World Editor's Choice

Dominican based in Anguilla creates Grade 6 Animated Digital Math Course

Dominican based in Anguilla creates Grade 6 Animated Digital Math Course

Jump Start Institute founded by Ms.Keshara George launched its first animated course”Grade 6 Jump Start Math” offered at

Ms. Keshara George stated : “As a numeracy coordinator of primary schools, I noticed that the digital content being used in our classrooms does not truly resonate with our Caribbean students. I would see videos about currency conversion with absolutely no Caribbean currencies and the language and the context of the math problems were foreign to our children’s day to day life and reality. Math should be closely connected to our everyday living and so I was motivated to curate and create bespoke math content, specifically designed for our Caribbean children. At Jump Start Institute, our mission is to improve students’ academic performance through self- directed courses that are based on a Caribbean Context.

Our first animated course grade 6 Jump Start Math offers both animated video content and self-paced quizzes which cover all the key Math Concepts from the OECS Mathematics Learning Standards. The animated characters represent the many faces of the Caribbean people. More than 80% of the videos begin with a real life Math word problems based on different aspects of the Caribbean culture, then literally Jumps into a concise  explanation of the Math concepts. The self-paced quizzes consist of exam type questions which will effectively prepare  students for any grade 6 level exam. Our quality question bank covers knowledge, comprehension and reasoning skills with automated correction. At JSI, we further support our grade 6 JSI family by hosting Free Math gamified sessions on our You Tube Channel. This course will improve students Math skills and exam performance while developing a deeper appreciation of who we are as Caribbean people.”

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