The Dominica Institute for the Arts presented its students for Examinations in the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum on June 9th, at the Old Mill Cultural Center. The Examination classes were taught by ABT Certified Teacher, Rebecca Warthen, who has successfully completed the ABT Teacher Training Intensive in LEVELS Pre-Primary through Level 7 of the ABT National Training Curriculum.
The Dominica Institute for the Arts is proud to incorporate the American Ballet Theatre National Training Curriculum, a nine-level program that combines high quality artistic training with the basics of dancer health and child development for students of all ages and skill levels.
ABT’s National Training Curriculum is a program for the development and training of young students that embraces sound ballet principles and incorporates elements of the French, Italian and Russian schools of training. Under the direction of ABT Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie, the Curriculum aims to assist beginning through advanced teachers in training dance students to use their bodies correctly, focusing on kinetics and coordination, as well as anatomy and proper body alignment. The National Training Curriculum strives to provide dance students with a rich knowledge of classical ballet technique and the ability to adapt to all styles and techniques of dance.
“After nearly fifteen years, American Ballet Theatre’s Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis School and our related Summer Intensive program has seen the impact that American Ballet Theatre’s National Training Curriculum has meant to dance teachers and ballet students across the country and internationally,” says Cynthia Harvey, former Artistic Director of the JKO School at ABT. “We are pleased that teachers and students are implementing the guidelines recommended by the Curriculum and working in a way that will lead them towards a long and healthy career. The Curriculum is fluid and will expand as we continue to investigate the way that dance, and sport science is developing and impacting the way we can train dancers to reach their optimum physical and artistic potential.”
The Dominica Institute for the Arts currently offers many courses in the visual and performing arts and prepares students for CXC CSEC and CAPE and the Royal School of Music exams. DIFA is a project of the Cultural Division.
For more information on the ABT NTC, please visit: www.abt.org/training/teacher-training/national-training-curr/
June 10, 2022
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