Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 94 year old Bernice Hamilton of Vieille Case

Death Announcement of 94 year old Bernice Hamilton of Vieille Case

We announce the death of Bernice Hamilton age 94 of Vieille Case who died at her daughter’s residence in Morne Daniel on Thursday March 4th 2021.

She leaves to mourn 6 Children:

Sons: Dr. Eisenhower Celse (Cell) Etienne, Luke Leblanc, Destrie Carbon and Daniel Carbon – Chief of Police

Daughters: Petillia Leblanc-Nicholas and Miranda Carbon-Feather

12 Grand Children: Dr. Meinke (Me-ni-ke), Ruth-Ann, Camille, Albert and Rebecca Etienne, Lisa, Cameron, Lanisha Leblanc, Kwame, Kezia Carbon, Abby-Ann and Autumn Feather

3 Great Grand Children: Jelani, Nazyia and Michaela

2 Sons-In_Law: Francis Nicholas and Heath Feather

3 Daughters-In-Law: Deidre, Linda and Rosetta

2 Brother: Berlyne Hamilton

Sister: Muriel Watty-Francis

Nephews including: Hayes, Davenport, Dr. Hubert Watty, Keith

Nieces including: Sylma, Bernice, Joan and Berlinda

Close Friends and Care-Giver: Seraphine Thomas, John Peters & Family and other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.

The funeral of the late will be held on Thursday April 8th, at the Vieille Case Roman Catholic Church Viewing at 2:30pm followed by funeral service at 3:00pm. Interment at the Vielle Case Roman Catholic Cemetery.


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Emerline Anselm

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