We announce the death of René Joseph of Penville
Sunrise 25th Nov 1930
Sunset 4th January 2021
He left to mourn:
8 Children: Carmen, Dora, Sebastian, Octavia, Cecilia, Marvlyn, Verdan, and Steline Joseph
2 Step Daughters: Theresa and Lucy
1 Adopted Son: Griffin
22 Grand Children
20 Great Grand Children
1 Great-Great Grand Child
Several nieces and nephews too numerous to mention
5 brothers: Eric LeBlanc, Vivien Morillon, Garnett, Telesford and Ferdinand Joseph.
1 sister: Andrea Joseph
Caretakers: Frances and Mary.
Close friends, Mr and Mrs Crawford LeBlanc, PM Roosevelt Skerrit, and the entire community of Penville.
Funeral for the late, René Joseph will take place at the Vieille Case Catholic Church on Monday 11th January 2021 from 3:00pm, followed by burial at the Vieille Case Cemetery. Viewing is from 2:30pm.
The family of the late René Joseph expressed sincere gratitude to the many friends and well-wishers who through some sort of kindness have been a source of strength during this time of bereavement.
Family wishes to retire in private.