We announce the death of Eidlyn Angeline St. Luce nee Victor Better known as Din Aged 86 of Bellemaniere
She died on Tuesday 12th January 2021 at her residence
She was the mother of
Mervin St. Luce in France
Vanya Felicite
McPherson St. Luce
Melvin St. Luce
Einster St. Luce in France
Adopted Daughters : Dora and Edalyn
She will also be remembered by her Daughters in Law
Franciane And Lydie St. Luce in FranceGrandsons in Law: Leon, Herman and Berbert
Grand daughters in Law: Gillian Alexander in Miami, Esther St. Luce in Canada and Katlyn St. Luce in France
Her Grand Children
Mervin St. Luce in Canada
Kimani St. Jean
Shana Felicite
Verna Daley
Kidron Alexander in Miami
Kimberly in England
Ivor Cyrille
Yannick. Sherianne, Kaywana and Kaytwana Leslie
Marvyn, Maeva, Maedi, Eunice and Josias St. Luce in France
Great Grandchildren
Miguel, Dominic and Sean in Canada
Nieces and Nephews including Elizabeth, Julius, Thomas Kelshalll in Canada, Kelly in England and Athenia in Miami
Grand Neices and Nephews including Hilda and Susan
God children – Carlister Thomas and Kim John
Caretakers – Kertia, Alixia and Nurse Miranda Paul
Close friends including Angela, Anora and Parliamentary Representative for Paix-Bouche, Roslyn Paul
The communities of Calibishie, Thibaud, Bellemaniere and Paix Bouche
The Body can be viewed at 2:30pm on Friday January 22nd at the PaixBouche Roman Catholic church
The funeral will takes place at the Paix-Bouche Roman Catholic Church at 3p.m
Followed by internment at the Paix-Bouche Roman Catholic Cemetery
All covid-19 Protocols will be followed.