We announce the death of Ferdinand George better known as Harold
Age 83 of Morne Prospoer
He died on 16th March at the PMH
He is survived by:
1 daughter: Verona George
8 grand-Children: Kenny, Quacy, Brianna, Kimon, Ashanti, Rhobino, Rashaole and Rivablo
3 sisters: Magdaline Geoge residing in the USA, Francisa and Julita George
2 brothers: Rudolph George and Loftus George residing in St. Thomas
1 sister- in law: Rose George residing in St. Thomas
11 nieces: Beverly & Merlyn resided in the USA, Shermaine, Vanessa, Dianne, Lucy, Julia, Vanneca, Jualine, Annicka and Sandra
9 Nephews: Wilbert, Afathan, Rohan, Alickson, Elvis, Clement, Staford, Lenox, Kymani, Moses & Davidson
1 Godson: Jackie
Close friends: Merina Allan, Elisabeth, Rocksand, Bernadette, Ma Janet, Johnson, Anthony, Francis, Ken, Garvin, Irvin, Coipel, Donoavan and family, Kenworth, Davidson and the entire community of Morne Prosper, Parliamentary Representative: Hon. Doc Irvin McIntyre
District Nurse: Vanya Christian and Lilia Dejean
The body of the late Ferdiand George better known as Harold will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30pm on Tuesday, 30th March at the Morne Prosper Catholic Church. Funeral Mass begins at 3:00pm followed by interment at the Morne Prosper Catholic Cemetery.