Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 59 year old Anthony Clement John better known as Tony of St. Joseph who resided at Grand Savanne, Salisbury

Death Announcement of 59 year old Anthony Clement John better known as Tony of St. Joseph who resided at Grand Savanne, Salisbury

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of 59 year old Anthony Clement John, better known as Tony, of St. Joseph, who resided at Grand Savanne, Salisbury. He died on Friday 30th April at his home in Grand Savanne.  He was the former Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Bank of Dominica.

He is survived by:

Wife: Deborah Leblanc-John

Son: Sidney

Brothers & Sisters: Giftus, Justina and Simon in the United States, Johanna and Avril

Aunt: Mamah Alexis

Uncles: Ronald Julien in Canada, Sheffield John in United Kingdom and Thaddeus Louis

Nieces & Nephews: Tanecia in Antigua, Mandisa, Jamal and Brian in the United States, and Samilia

Grand niece: Katalyna

Adopted brothers: Fr. Glanville Joseph and Pellam Jno. Baptiste

He will also be remembered by:

Mother-in-law:  Fedaline Leblanc

Father-in-Law: Claudius Leblanc

Brothers & Sisters-in-law including Symes, Mariel, Ida, Celia, Clevia, Danielle, Claudius Leblanc (Jr.), Lulu and Craig.

Close family and friends:

Dr. Ruby Blanc & Edgar Hunter & family, Earl & Rosamund Edwards & family, Starnie & Stephan Jno. Jules & family, Murphy Vidal, Rochdale Alexis, Glen & Sherma John & family, Gordon, Gairy & Mathilda Julien, Fr. Jacky Merilan, Fr. Brancker John, Fr. John Mark, Dr. Reginald LaFleur, Brother Jeffery Rolle, Francis Letang, Shirley & Vaughn Royer, Barbara Dailey, Sharon Pascal & family, Vilna Stephenson & family, Olivet Jno. Charles & family, Mr. & Mrs. Ellingworth Edwards, Doreen Shillingford & family, Shirley Dorsett & family, Herlson Shillingford & the Eugene family in St. Joseph, Diane Pierre, Coralie Eugene, Mr. & Mrs. Franklyn Cuffy, Ambassador Martin Charles & Mrs. Charles, the St. Joseph Church Choir, Chermeka, Gislyn, Flora and other members of the Colihaut Church Choir, the John families of St. Joseph & Salisbury, the Henry & Isidore families of Mahaut, Massacre & St. Joseph, the Gasper family of Mero & Castle Bruce, the Elie and Vidal families of Salisbury, the Julien family of St. Joseph & Massacre, the communities of Colihaut and St. Joseph, past Board members, management and staff of the National Bank of Dominica, management and staff of the Dominica Social Security, Sister Edmund and staff of the Alford Ward at the Dominica-China Friendship Hospital, many other relatives and friends in the United Kingdom, United States, Canada and Dominica.

The funeral of the late Anthony “Tony” Clement John of St. Joseph will be held on Friday May 21st at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic Church. Viewing at 2.00p.m and Funeral Mass at 3.00p.m.  followed by interment at the St. Joseph Roman Catholic cemetery.

About Author

Emerline Anselm

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