It is with our deepest sorrow that we announce the death of our beloved Joan Joseph. She was affectionately known as “little Joan” or “Shabine”.
She was a vendor on Great George Street in Roseau.
Age 52 of Tarish Pit. She died on December 14th at the Dominica China Friendship Hospital.
She leaves to mourn 1 son, Shervon Furlonge in the United Kingdom.
Her Father, Guiste Joseph.
4 sisters Virginia St Hilaire in the United States: Joyce Riley, Paula Joseph and Debra Christian in Dominica.
3 brothers: John Lewis in the United States, Mervin and Irvin Joseph in Dominica.
Uncles: Emile and Break in the US and Rani in Dominica.
Aunties: Sylvia in Dominica.
Nieces: Mahala Riley, Juanita St. Hilaire, Sarahjean, Naimah, Jacinta, Jaelynn, Faith, Fear, Endurance, Hope, Yasmine Christian, Shemiah and Natasha Joseph.
Nephews: Jamal and Adrian
Grand nieces: including Marley and Jayda
3 brothers in law: William Riley, Nigel Christian in Dominica and Juan St. Hilaire in the US
Cousin:, Lena, Valda, Andrea, Jemma, Vally, Rosie and Edward in the US. Bebe and Marcelin in France. Tessa, Merlyn, Vanessa, Jermima, Desmond, Randy, Danny, Curtis, Emmeline, Merl, Sandra, Curt and Sylvester Henderson , including the Henderson Family, the Luke family, the Joseph family, the Registe family and the Stedman family.
God daughter Marcella Green.
Friends including: Cheryl and Joan Ryner, Crystal Waldron, Allison Benoit in Guadeloupe and Dannah Henderson in the United States. Merlyn Boston in St. Thomas. Daphne in St. Maarten. Jossie, Freshly, Bolly, Marlyn, Bernadette and Joan Thomas, Alroy, Manda and Manda, Fedrika, Janet, Eve, Khalid, Gale Royer in Dominica her neighbors, the community of Tarish Pit and Stockfarm, The Roseau CUC., Joseph Isaac, her loyal customers and many other family and friends names too numerous to mention.
The body of the late Joan Joseph affectionately known as “little Joan” or “Shabine” will be transported from Lyndhurst Funeral Home for viewing at 2:30pm at the St. Alphonsus Catholic Church on 11th January
. Funeral Mass begins at 3:00pm followed by Interment at the Roseau Catholic Cemetery.