Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 102 year old Daniel Phillip of Grand Fond

Death Announcement of 102 year old Daniel Phillip of Grand Fond

We announce  the death of 102 years old Daniel Phillip  of Grand Fond.

He will be remembered  by his children Mary, Felix, and Thomas Phillip in Antigua. Magdaline, Martin, James, Walldrone, Gafileld in Dominica . 

Grand children,  Keith, Alex, Donny, Lena, Derrick, Catherine, Heather, Elford, Nora, Wendy, Angie, Marklyn, Kishma, Junior, Claudia, Karen, Kasia, Eckanna, Koby, Rachel, Sonnil, Rycad,  Raymie, Daniel, Amina, Nina, Marva.

51 great Grand and 28 great great Grand 

Daughters in law: Olivette, Portia and Selanie, 

Grand daughters in law:  Oddette prosper and Alice Many Nieces and nephews to numerous  to mention

Close friends: Nicholas Marie, Alexander Abraham, Gwyneth Lazarre, Edith Prince and family, Pharaoh Cuffy, Hon Greta Roberts, Ruthalyn, Rosette ,Maria Phillip and family.’

Care taker: Marvella Roberts 

The Phillip, Abraham and Lazarre family  and many relatives and friends both here and abroad  too numerous  to mention.

The Funeral Mass of 102 years old Daniel Phillip  of Grand Fond will take place on Thursday 16th December 2021 at the Grand Fond Catholic Church. Viewing: 2:00 Mass: 3p.m
Burial will take place at the Rosalie Cemetery.

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