The Dominica Association of Industry and Commerce (DAIC) in partnership with Dominica Youth Business Trust (DYBT), the IOM International Development Fund, and the Clinton Foundation, hosted the second episode of the Distinguished Speaker Series on Wednesday April 8th at 2:30 PM to 3:30 PM. Director of Marketing at the Clinton Foundation, Francesca Ernst Khan shared insights and best practices for managing the online content and social media in a crisis with several small businesses who attended the session.
Ms. Khan emphasized that during a crisis, it is important to maintain a meaningful connection with current and potential customers of the business. The success of this is enhanced with a good communication plan to keep focused on what is important to the customers and what needs to be achieved in successfully communicating with them. In creating a good communication plan, it is necessary to consider the audience, goals, trends, message, content, and success factors.
Ms. Khan also shared useful digital platforms for communicating with clients, which include but are not limited to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blog and E-mail. It was highlighted that success is increased when businesses understand the platforms used by their target market in order to determine the most appropriate platforms. Additionally, a few helpful tools for creating content online to enhance visibility on the previously mentioned platforms are Hootsuite, Canva, Mailchimp, SlidesGo, Medium and Hubspot.
Additionally, businesses were encouraged to lead by providing facts via their social media platforms which establishes accuracy and credibility. This must be done in a consistent manner while being responsive to the feedback provided.
The Partners express gratitude to all the businesses who participated in this well attended session. Moreover, the Partners have indicated that additional support will be provided for businesses in order to understand how to navigate the tools recommended for greater success in communicating with customers. For additional information on this support, the DAIC can be contacted at chamber.daic@gmail.com or 1(767) 235-1962.