As per the daily trend of Covid-19 cases, Dr. Ahmed indicated that as of last week there was an average of 35 cases per day. However, this week of November 8th 2021, there is a daily trend of 40 cases, a slight increase from the previous week. Ahmed explained, “If we look from beginning to end, that being July 28th to November 11th 2021, the trend is relatively downwards. This is a good sign in the horizon.”
Furthermore, he elaborated on the demographic of the new Covid-19 cases. Of the 41 news cases, there are five cases under the age of twelve. Between the age ranges of 12 to 17, there are no new cases which is a good sign. However, the middle age to elderly population continue to suffer from the virus in greater numbers. Approximately 33 cases were between the age ranges of 18 to 65 years of age. Additionally, two cases were 65 and above and one case did not fall within the age ranges due to incomplete data.
Ahmed added, “So most of the cases are coming from the age group of 18 to 65 years. We are keeping an eye on the group that we have recently introduced to vaccinations, that is, twelve to seventeen years. So we will keep watching in the coming weeks.” In terms of the severity of the new cases, 49% are experiencing mild symptoms, 46% are experiencing moderate symptoms and 5% are severe enough to be admitted at the St. James Covid Center.
Moreover, with respect to the demographics of the active cases, Dr. Ahmed expounded that 56% are female and 44% are male. Notably, of the total of 217 Covid-19 cases admitted at the Covid care complex, there was approximately 58 cases of persons either 18 years of age or below. Between the age ranges of 18 to 59, there was approximately 130 cases. Further, persons sixty years and over accounted for approximately 29 cases. In terms of the severity of the active cases at the Covid care complex, 54% are mild, 41% are moderate and 5% are experiencing severe symptoms.
Unfortunately, statistics confirm that there are 35 Covid-associated deaths in Dominica. Of that total, 17 are male and 18 are female, all between the age ranges of 40 to 107 years of age. Furthermore, Dr. Ahmed confirmed that most of the persons who succumbed to the virus had comorbid conditions, that it, underlying medical conditions. Additionally, 91% were unvaccinated which once again shows a clear correlation between one’s Covid-19 status and death.
Most importantly, Dr. Ahmed wished to reiterate that vaccination works and it save lives. Further, he explained that it is needed to eliminate community transmission. “For the betterment of Dominica, we need you to get vaxed,” he stressed. As of November 11 2021, 53.4% of the target population took at least one dose of the vaccine and 49.3% of the target population are now fully vaccinated.
Nonetheless, Ahmed expressed, “Again, public health measures and our behavior needs to change in terms of wearing our face mask and avoiding social gatherings until there is no community transmission. We need to keep six feet distance from anyone other than household members and ensure frequent handwashing and sanitizing.”
While the daily trend continues to remain low, the health officials continue to request that persons adhere to the protocols and take steps to safeguard their lives and that of others.