Dominica Editor's Choice

Christian author Rowan Boston releases first novel fiction- ‘Not What I Predicted’: Mystery & Drama

Christian author Rowan Boston releases first novel fiction- ‘Not What I Predicted’: Mystery & Drama

Rowan Boston, a Christian author from the vibrant cultural community of Paix Bouche, has launched her first Christian/Inspirational fiction, entitled ‘Not what I predicted’. Notably, Boston holds a Bachelor of Science (BS) in Pre-Medical Biology and a Masters degree in Business Administration (MBA) from the Oral Roberts University (ORU).

Interestingly, at the age of 20, Boston became a Christian and have been eager since then to help others gain a better perception of God. During her studies at ORU, she attended Victory Christian Center, Tulsa, OK, where she taught an evangelical outreach class. It is because of this passion to share the word of God that she has sought to inspire others through her novel.

Upon interview with Emonews, Boston expressed that her writing started as far back as Secondary School. In her teenage years, she wrote a few unpublished short novels, but had often taken that talent for granted. However, her interest for writing was further sparked after she viewed a movie filmed on the grounds of the Old Mill Cultural Center. “I remember viewing the movie and the focus went from the Old Mill Cultural Center to the Emerald Pool through a flight of stairs. It really fascinated me how they made Emerald Pool look like it was in the backyard of the Old Mill. Since then I’ve just been intrigued in connecting scenes and things that appear far apart,” she voiced.

Years later, during a difficult moment after graduating with her MBA degree, Boston had an epiphany that she once had a deep passion for writing. Thus, she decided that it was the appropriate time to engage her mind. Initially she started with a non-fiction which took approximately one year to complete. “When I completed it I brought it to my friend to review. She said that people write non-fiction all the time and that I should write about myself. I was a bit disappointed but decided to give fiction a shot,” Boston articulated.

Taking a new approach was not entirely a smooth sailing as Boston battled to figure out the ideal plot or topic to write on, especially one which may be appealing to her readers. In fact, it took her approximately ten (10) years to complete this novel. “I didn’t write every day. At one point it was too much. I had to cut the novel in half and sometimes start over but it was a worthwhile journey,” she confessed.

Remarkably, Boston decided to share more about God’s personality with others, through a touch of mystery and drama to capture the attention of her readers. She stated, “After having taught evangelism and listening to the constant complaints from my friends about God, I realized that numerous young people were confused about God’s personality or had a twisted perception of God.”

Hence, Boston believes that through her novel, she may be able to target young adults and to get rid of the lies and misconceptions, in order to reveal the true nature of the God that she had discovered.

Furthermore, it is her hope that through this fiction she may unravel aspects of Dominica, its rich culture, cuisine and tourist attraction sites. Some of the ideas came from her experiences growing up in Dominica, the Caribbean region, living in the United States and working a semester at Willard Elsing Museum (ORU). To depict Dominica, the book highlights Hot Lake, Shernico Fort and Milk River which are reflective of the Boiling Lake, White River and Fort Shirley, Cabrits National Park.

Moreover, having been influenced by her mom, Melanie Francois, writing and depicting culture felt like a natural trait. Francois, who was highly involved in the Paix Bouche cultural groups, would frequently write dramas for talent shows, Madame Wob Dwiyet and carnival queen show contestants. She would also write songs for the Paix Bouche Cultural group and Paix Bouche Choir. It was no surprise that she was also awarded a Meritorious Service Award by the government of Dominica for her contribution towards education and culture.

In light of her mom’s contribution, Boston voiced, “Growing up it was a treat to watch her. I know writing fiction is not her thing, but drama is definitely her. How could I have not been inspired? This may not be drama, but it is still a product of her creativity.” She thanked her mom for giving her an array of learning experiences throughout the years.

Furthermore, she expressed appreciation to her cousin Nian Thomas, an Antiguan with Dominican parents, who aided her in the review process of her novel. At the time that Thomas began reviewing Boston’s work, she was only twelve (12) years of age. “Whenever I sent a chapter for her and she sent me her review, I felt that I was speaking to my professor which was so fascinating. She was brutally honest with her reviews and helped me to keep my A game at all times,” Boston uttered.

Additionally, Boston took the opportunity to inspire and advise fellow young persons who are interested in becoming authors, poets or playwrights. “My advice is to start somewhere. One small step leads to a bigger step. Secondly, be your authentic self. Thirdly, there are people who will try to discourage you but take what’s good and leave what’s bad. Fourthly, be open and humble. Lastly, don’t underestimate who you are,” she guided.

Boston is hopeful that her advice would touch someone and that there may be an increased number of persons from Dominica who would display their creative writing skills.

Notably, the novel ‘Not What I Predicted!’, a Mystery & Drama fiction, can be accessed and purchased via this link It promises to be twisted and mysterious plot which unravels the goodness of God.

As Boston rekindles her passion for writing, Emonews wishes her all the best as she continues to share the word and inspire others.

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