The Electoral Office would like to inform the public that three elections workers scheduled to work during polling on Thursday November 25, for the Grand Bay by-election, have been identified as contacts of a recently identified positive Covid-19 case.
Chief Elections Officer Ian Michael Anthony affirmed that the election workers have
been replaced and the election will continue on schedule with polls opening at 7:00 a.m
and closing at 5:00 p.m.
He stated, “The three persons have been replaced as part of the contingency plans that
had been put in place should a situation like this arise. The election will process as
normal. The new election workers are well trained and we are confident the election
procedures will be executed well. We also want to assure the elections workers who
have been replaced that we are hopeful for the best outcomes for you and your
COVID-19 Protocols
Earlier this week, the Electoral Office issued Covid-19 protocols, on recommendation
from the Environmental Health Department, which will be in effect at all 14 polling
stations. Electors in the Grand Bay constituency are asked to take careful note of the
• All polling stations will be sanitized before polling day;
• Arrangements have been made for all poll workers to take the rapid antigen test
five (5) days before the poll.
• Electors will be required to wear face masks covering their mouth and nose;
• Electors will be required to observe the six feet physical distance;
• Electors will be required to sanitize their hands before entry into the polling
station and before dipping their thumb in the indelible ink;
• Electors will use sanitized pencils provided to mark their ballots and deposit them
in a separate bin. All pencils and the voting booths will be sanitized after every
five (5) voters;
• All poll workers, including Police Officers, will be supplied with the necessary
Personal Protective Equipment; and
• Candidate’s agents will be required to wear face masks covering their mouth and
nose and maintain the six feet physical distance once inside the polling stations;