As we enter 2019, we extend to all, best wishes for a bright, prosperous and productive New Year, from the Bense, Anse De Mai, Anse Soldat & Hampstead Community Tourism Committee, & the Atlantique View Resort.
In this New Year, we urge all members of the community to take tourism seriously. The Bense Anse De Mai, Anse Soldat, Hampstead Committee is in an ideal position to become the new frontier for tourism development on the north of Dominica. The Committee has the potential to satisfy rising demands in Dominica and the north, for new tourist destination sites especially after Hurricane Maria.
As the name suggests, the Bense, Anse De Mai, Anse Soldat, Hampstead Committee is an amalgamation of these villages. Composed of 136 total households and a total population of 690, this is essentially a farming community.