Hon. Reginald Austrie has issued a call to the international community to end what he has described as the political persecution against and provocation of Venezuela.
“And I would like to call for an end to the political persecution of Venezuela . I would like to call for an end to the provocation of Venezuela. We in Dominica, while we do not get involved in the internal affairs of sovereign countries, but we believe that there are means by which matters can be resolved. We believe in the peaceful resolution of such matters and we would like to call on the international community, let us seek and find a peaceful resolution to the problems now being faced in Venezuela and so I would like to join our other CARICOM brothers and sisters in calling for a peaceful solution, a peaceful resolution to the problems now being undergone in Venezuela”.
Austrie made these remarks at the handing over ceremony of test kits from the Government of Venezuela to the Government of Dominica.