The Alternative Peoples’ Party (APP), Dominica’s newest and evolving political party was founded on January 12th 2020 in response to the people’s demand for a fresh approach to politics and the fostering of new and creative ideas to tackle and solve the development needs of the people. Dominicans expressed a need for an alternative team that would unite the people for economic progress, collective success and individual growth. As the name suggests, APP is committed to serving as an alternative force for good and decency in Dominican politics.
This year 2021, Dominica celebrates its 43rd Anniversary of political independence under the theme “UNITED IN PURPOSE – Our Health, Our Heritage, Our Future”. We wish everyone a safe, enjoyable and spirit-filled celebration. This is an opportune time for us as a nation to stop and reflect on the theme which is an inspiring but challenging one. Our health and the demand for improved health care is now a greater challenge with the advent of Covid-19 and its severe effects on health resources. While we honour our rich heritage, it has been under growing attack from varying external forces particularly the influence of the internet and the promotion of foreign artists and sports over our very own.
Our Future beckons us to ask the question, what have we achieved for the past 43 years of independence as a nation and in particular over the last 20 years of the current administration? We are all cognizant of the natural disasters to include Tropical Storm Erica in 2015 and Hurricane Maria in 2017. But significantly, we must assess the human disaster occasioned by bad political governance which has brought about a stagnated economy with our nation saddled with high unemployment, high poverty, low resilience, environmental degradation and deteriorating social cohesions.
The APP has heard the clear cry of the people for equal opportunity for all and justice; there is a clear need to save our country from descending into insecurity and chaos and to avert an impending economic disaster and restore the economic dignity of our people.
There is no better time than during this celebration to sing the clarion call for good, transparent and accountable governance which are the hallmarks of our democracy. We must abide by the rule of law and the democratic values and principles that we inherited from our forefathers and preserve them for our present and future generations. To this end, there is an urgent need to restore the ability of the people to freely and fairly elect a government of their will. This can only be achieved through comprehensive electoral reform, a long outstanding promise by the Prime Minister.
Where do we want to see ourselves as a nation in the next seven (7) years when we celebrate our 50th Anniversary of Independence?
We would like to see a Dominica where Agriculture would again be the saving grace of our nation, where money is put in the hands of the farmers. Where every elite farmer would have the opportunity to have a home built on their property through an APP government initiative. We will make farming and agriculture a basic necessity and national priority.
We would like to see a Dominica where the youth are given opportunities in sports, music, culture, information technology, agriculture, housing and business ownership support. A Dominica where there will be an established state of the art cultural centre and home of the youth complete with a functional national library, skills training, conference facility and I.T recreational and creation centre.
A Dominica where the emphasis will be placed on training the youth for job opportunities within the digital sector.
At age 50, we would like to see a Dominica where low-income earners and younger Dominicans can benefit from a first-time homeowners program where our people will from day one have complete ownership of their homes. A Dominica where our vulnerable, homeless citizens and senior citizens will be given homes.
The health of the people is the wealth of the nation. We would love to see a Dominica where our citizens no longer have to travel for medical emergencies, where there will be the establishment of a national health insurance scheme and access to free health care to those who cannot afford it.
A Dominica where there will be a heavy focus on new-age tourism and the development of sports and health tourism. Where opportunities will be endless for Dominicans in the service sector especially smaller enterprises like shops, boutiques, beauty salons and spas.
At age 50 we envision a Dominica where we can boast again of the vibrant agro-processing industry. A Dominica that belongs to all Dominicans where there will be equal opportunity for all.