Internally, all non-essential gatherings of 20 persons or more are prohibited for the next 26 days.
This was announced by Premier and Minister of Finance (R1), Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1), following a Special Meeting of the Cabinet of the Virgin Islands today.
Closure of airports & seaports
According to Government, Cabinet has decided that effective Sunday March, 22, 2020 at 11:59 p.m. “for a period of fourteen (14) days, in the first instance, all airports and seaports in the Territory of the Virgin Islands be closed to inbound passengers (whether nationals or non-nationals) until Monday, 6 April, 2020 at 11:59 p.m., except as pre-authorised.”
It said the restriction does not apply to freight, cargo or courier craft or vessels.
“International crew members on incoming vessels will be required to remain within the port facility and comply with all Public Health measures in effect.”
No gatherings 20 or more persons
Government also announced Cabinet decided that the Minister responsible for Health issue an Order, in accordance with the Public Health Ordinance (Cap. 194), is “to prohibit all non-essential gatherings of 20 persons or more with effect from Monday, 23 March, 2020 until Friday, 17 April, 2020, in the first instance.”
All businesses to close by 8:00pm
Further, all businesses and services, and all recreational facilities are to be ordered to close by 8:00 p.m. and remain closed until 6:00 a.m. daily with effect from Sunday March, 22, 2020 at 11:59 pm until Friday, April, 17, 2020, in accordance with section 15 of the Public Health Ordinance (Cap. 194), in the first instance.
“These measures are being taken to avert the introduction and active transmission of COVID-19 in the British Virgin Islands, thereby safeguarding the health and well being of all residents and visitors. For more information on COVID-19, visit www.bvi.gov.vg/covid-19,” Government stated.
Despite the climb in COVID-19 infections globally, including in the Caribbean and as close as US Virgin Islands (USVI), the Virgin Islands has not recorded any confirmed cases of the virus; however, Government has not been getting complacent in its response.