Dominica Editor's Choice

Adult Education Division Secret Santa Needs You

Adult Education Division Secret Santa Needs You

The Adult Education Division has taken up a project aimed at meeting the needs of underprivileged children this Christmas. The Project called Secret Santa will allow individuals to dip the name of a child. Individuals visit the Division’s Office and dip the name of a child and buy a gift for that child. Dipping for names began on November 23 and will end on December 18 in order to give the Division sufficient time to make all necessary arrangements.

While this is the first time this venture is being undertaken, the response of individuals so far has been great.

One of the organizers said, “We know that the children will be happy to receive a gift, to know that even though they were not expecting a gift, someone thought about them; someone remembered them and was kind enough to buy them a gift. It will definitely brighten up their Christmas especially with all that they experienced this year with the disruption of school because of the pandemic”.


Persons still have the opportunity to participate in the activity and are encouraged to do so, so that no child is left behind.

“Please come on board. Visit our office. Dip for a child’s name then go purchase your gift, return it to us and put a joyful  smile on a child’s face  this Christmas. This is a very good initiative. So be a part and let us not leave any child’s name out”, said another person involved in the organization of the activity.

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