A Child Needs Foundation, the brainchild of Kevin Scott, made donations of hampers to 9 families in the communities of Petite Soufriere, San Sauveur, Good Hope, Dipax and Castle Bruce.
Graham Toussaint Scott says that his theme for 2020 is ‘The kindness you put out in the world always comes back to you’.He says, “I will continue to find ways to serve my communities and Dominica at large. I call on and urge persons who are able to give back to help with the movement. Our office is based in Good Hope”.
Scott extends a heartfelt thank you to the sponsors who contributed towards the hampers and also to his team members including Mrs.Nikki Darroux. The sponsors are:
-Mr. Bernard Johnson
-Sindy and Arl (Frenchside bar and chill)
-The Bannis family (Tehillah Bannis)
-Beyonce Bannis & family
– Brittany Ettienne
-Rebecca Dangleben
-Mr. Bernard Johnson
-Sindy and Arl (Frenchside bar and chill)
-The Bannis family (Tehillah Bannis)
-Beyonce Bannis & family
– Brittany Ettienne
-Rebecca Dangleben
Well done Kevin!