Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of Victoria Fontaine of Bagatelle, residing at RBC Housing Scheme, Canefield.

Death Announcement of Victoria Fontaine of Bagatelle, residing at RBC Housing Scheme, Canefield.

It is with great sadness that we announce the death of our dearly beloved mother, Miss Victoria Fontaine of Bagatelle, residing at RBC Housing Scheme, Canefield.

She died on the 29th of December, 2023 at the ICU of the Dominica China Friendship Hospital. She was a member of the North Eastern Funeral Association.

She leaves to mourn her children: Retired Police Officers, WPC Julia Richards and Corporal Wendy Letang, of the Commonwealth of Dominica Police Force, Jessie Fontaine, Ezekiel Dangleben–Fontaine, and Nurse Harmonie (Carla) Emanuel.

Eight (8) grandchildren; Laila Larocque, Sherene Greenaway, Immanuelle-Hope Richards, Albert Jr, Alkar, Cheddi and Jaden Stevens, and Nasya Harve.

Five great–grandchildren; Brinelle, Amilio, Azariah-Joy, Ayla-Faith Stevens, and Giovanni Bunch.

Nieces and Nephews: Marigold, Henry, Bernie and Cletus Popo. Brian, Brenda, Brent and Brendon Pascal, Sharmaine, Lennox, Liston, Hosea and Lolita Fontaine, Oliver Deserve, and Kyle Ulysses.

Other relatives to include: The Fontaine, Francis, Darroux and Didier families of Bagatelle, Petit Savanne, Fond St Jean and Bellevue. The Frederick family of Bath Estate.

Close friends; Angela Joseph, Desirie James, Jonah Baltazar, Jean Rolle and Jane Rolle.

Special friends; Jeanette Rodney Ralfoul, Ronisha Samuel, Albertine Pascal, Virgin Dangleben and Albert Stevens.

Her neighbors: Mr and Mrs Adulphus David, Mr and Mrs Randolph Dupuis and family, Mr Joseph Roberts, Mr and Mrs Steve Athanaz, Mr and Mrs Elie Robin, Nurse Lilly Samuel, Mrs Cylma Dorival and family.

Care taker Sharon Michael, of the Yes We Care Program.

Other relatives and friends too numerous to mention.

The funeral service will take place on Friday 5th January 2024, at 2:30pm at the Deliverance Baptiste Church, Short Lane, Goodwill. Interment at the Roseau Public Cemetery.

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