Dominica Death Announcement

Death Announcement of Simeon Baron of Savanne Paille

Death Announcement of Simeon Baron of Savanne Paille

We announce the death of Simeon Baron of Savanne Paille, who died 30th November, 2022, at the RFA Hospital.

He will be remembered by his siblings:

10 Brothers:  John, Robert, Thomas, Peter, Cletus and Vance Baron; Michael, Roy and Bernard Andre and Evered Warrington.  

5 Sisters:  Joan, Junie, Alix, Juliana and Margaret Baron.

Twenty seven nieces including Samora, Rhonda and Precillia

Twenty five nephews including Keyone, Blakey, Tryee and Lester

Three God children: Craig, Lucina and ClaytonHe will also be remembered by:

Close friends: Sandra Andre and Janey Paul. 

Other relatives and friends and the entire communities of Savanne Paille and Guillette.  

The body of the late Simeon Baron will be laid to rest on Friday 23rd December, 2022 at the Portsmouth Catholic Church.  Viewing begins at 1:30 pm, followed by church service at 2:00 pm. Interment at the Portsmouth Catholic Cemetery.

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