Dominica Editor's Choice

Dominica – Cuba Friendship Association calls for the end of the blockade against Cuba

Dominica – Cuba Friendship Association calls for the end of the blockade against Cuba

The “Dominica – Cuba Friendship Association ” participated today in the actions carried out worldwide to demand that the United States government end the inhuman, illegal and immoral economic, financial and commercial blockade against the people of Cuba. In this regard, they issued the following Statement:

Statement from the Dominican – Cuba Friendship Association

The Dominican-Cuba Friendship Association joins all the voices that today carry out a World Day to demand that the United States government end the genocidal blockade against the heroic people of Cuba. President Biden made a commitment during the election campaign that brought him to the presidency, to review that policy.


However, this review has not yet been carried out since all 243 measures that the Trump government took to tighten the blockade remains intact. Additionally, using the difficulties created by the blockade, accentuated by the economic crisis created by the pandemic, external forces have promoted destabilizing actions to try to change the Cuban political system, freely and sovereignly elected by the people of Cuba. All Dominicans are aware of the Friendship Solidarity and Collaboration of the noble people of Cuba particularly in the overall Human Resource Development and Heath Personell which continues up to this present era in spite of the tremendous Economic difficulties. The Families of the Past Graduates and present Students known directly the effects that this inhumane blockade produces in all sectors of the Cuban Society.

That is why we demand that the government of President Biden put an end to the blockade and allow Cubans to have their own path for the development and well-being of all.

The Dominica Cuba -Friendship Association (DCFA) further reiterates its unwavering Support for the lifting of this unjustified Economic Blockade and expresses full Solidarity with the Global Movement to effect same.

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