
Over EC$1.7 million paid out to residents towards compensation for 438 parcels of communal lands and agricultural crops in Salybia

Over EC$1.7 million paid out to residents towards compensation for 438 parcels of communal lands and agricultural crops in Salybia

The multi-faceted development approach employed in the conceptualization of the East Coast Roads Project under the DVRP continues to resonate in every fabric of the economy.

Over the past few months, over EC$2.8 million has been collected by impacted property owners along the 20.5km (12.7miles) stretch of road.  To date, 290 individuals and by extension their families have benefitted from the acquisition process which was driven by Government’s thrust for national development by putting people first. This has also included Dominicans living in the diaspora who owned land in the project area.

Within the Salybia, over EC$1.7 million was paid out to residents towards compensation for 438 parcels of communal lands and agricultural crops through the Kalinago Council, and over $800,000.00 was compensated to land owners in Atkinson and Entrizle. These pre-construction payments are the first of many initiatives to improve the social and economic standing of the people in the Salybia Constituency as well as the surrounding communities.
It was definitely not a seamless exercise and as such required a team approach with the support of various agencies including the Ministries of Housing and Lands, Finance, Agriculture, the Ministry of Environment, CREAD and the World Bank.  In this regard, the dedication and commitment of all staff must be commended.  In the end, the approval of funds by the Honourable Prime Minister and Minister of Finance – Dr Roosevelt Skerrit and by extension the Cabinet made the intervention a tremendous success.


At present, there are setting-out activities from Hatton Garden (Pagua) into the Kalinago Territory; and active construction of the contractor’s Site Office and Plant in the Pagua area, dawning the commencement of physical works.

The project has been in the pipelines for some time and the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic brought with it new challenges and risks that were not considered during the bidding process, and unfortunately will come with additional costs.

Nonetheless, the Government of Dominica thank all residents for their patience thus far and can assure everyone the project has opened the doors for new economic activities to include employment of skilled and non-skilled labourers.
The injection of direct cashflow into the economy also goes beyond compensation as it signals business opportunities.   There are prospects for:
• Selling of food within the communities to the people employed;
• Rental of properties for housing and office space;
• Spill-off new businesses as a result of the influx of people into the area; and
• Overall community development and advancement.
Folks are asked to position themselves, be adaptive and take advantage of these new opportunities.  For instance, the Kalinago women who were UWI certified in the food preparation under the DVRP funded program, should re-explore their business ideas.  The residents of Castle Bruce and surrounding areas should also continue conceiving real estate opportunities and market the best that their communities have to offer.

It must be highlighted that EC$126.7 million (Lot 1-EC$47,319,646.11 and Lot 2- EC$79,455,843.32) will be circulated within the Dominican economy over the next 2 – 3 years.

Finally, it must be underscored that the DVRP continues to work towards reducing vulnerability to natural hazards and climate change impacts in Dominica.

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