Death Announcement

Death Announcement of 98 year old Leah Tecla Rolla better known as Ma Savory of Laudat who resided at Virgin Lane, Roseau

Death Announcement of 98 year old Leah Tecla Rolla better known as Ma Savory of Laudat who resided at Virgin Lane, Roseau

We announce the death of Leah Tecla Rolle also known as Ma Savory, age 98 of Laudat who resided at Virgin Lane.

She lives to morn her:

Children :  Pamela Elwin, Josian, Muriam  and Bryant Rolle

Grand Children:   Franklyn and Fenrick Browne, Michael , Pauline and Pellon Elwin,   Aineel  Rolle

Great Grand children:  Brianna, Jarmar, Sade

Sister:  Decima Rolle

Step Children:  Ross, Theresa, Vanya, Ronnie and Clement Rolle

Nieces :  Many nieces  including Annette , Hazel,  Vilma, Yvern, Jacklyn,  Rosamund, Judy, Jo-Anne, Katrine,  Gislene, Lesette and Josian

Nephews:  Nephews including Henry, Tim, Eric, Donald, Arckroyd , Roosevelt, Heskieth , Francois and Louis

Friends:  Monica Abraham, Felixia Jno Lewis, Noble, Wendy, Palestrina, Dr. Newtown and Nurse Coliare

Past and present clergy of the Cathedral Parish including Fr. Charles Martin, Fr. Nigel Karam

The community of Laudat and many other relatives and friends.

Funeral Mass will take place on Saturday November 28, at 10 am at the Laudat Catholic Chapel with viewing from 9:30 am.  Interment at the Laudat Cemetery



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Emerline Anselm

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