We announce the death of 79 Year old GLASFORD ALBERT FRANCIS of Guillette who resided in Paix-Bouche.
He left to mourn:
Wife: Anne “Nezo” Francis
Sons: Simon, Ignatius, Julien and Gilbert
Daughters: Gertrude and Adaline
Grand Children: Attorney-At-Law Eunica Anthony-Victor, Derrison and Nekesha Anthony, Adel, Rick, Ed, Anel, Neeraj and Shahannah Francis, Ashley-Marie Samuel, and Maya Sylvain
Great grand Children: Akeira, Ajna, and Ayden
Adopted Children including: Charlesbert, Mark George, Max, Abishaiah
Son In Law: Johnson
Daughters-In-Law: Sylvestine and Osmara
Grand sons-in-law: Justus and Adrian
Brothers: Roosevelt J.X., Huskinson, Alphonso
Sisters: Roselyn and Isaline
Sisters-in-Law: Nardine, Audrey, Yvette, Martina, Clayron, Veron, Rosetta, Edris
Brother-in Law: Ivan
Aunt: Cecilia
14 Nieces to include: Marvlyn, Shernita, Florence, Charmaine, Jessica, Odean, Shemmer, Glenda, and Josette
11 Nephews to include: Starlyn, Jefferson, Phillip, Marky, Kirk, Lincoln, Junior, Burnette, and Shakil
1 God child: Desmond Ferrol
Cousins: Brian Darroux and family, Joseph Fountain, Ellen , Catherine , Youline, Thelma, Patson, Derick, Elias, Francis, Tazie
Close Friends: Shelly Ferrol & Family, Justin Edward and Family, Elderlyn & Family, Alita, Magdalene Benjamin & family, Kayla, Decilia, Theresa, Staff of Nanthan Insurance Agency, Mr Matthew Walter & Family, Ms Doreen, Dora, Antoinette, Caesar, Hilroy, Derick, Pastor Edmund George & Family, Hendricks, Stafford, Paula & Lambert, Shirley & Ambrose, Hermina, Catherine, Janice, Meyonette, Scotten & Family, The Lataille’s, Henson, Mark Francois, Deserie & Family, Lilian & family, Cyril & family, Goldy, Godfrey, Alford, Agou, Edgar, Wilma & Family.
Other relatives and friends: The Francis and Darroux families. The communites of Paix-Bouche, Guillette, Anse De Mai, Portsmouth & their environs, The Construction Fraternity, The Anse-De-Mai fishermen, Dr Samuel and Mias, Nurse Miranda, Genia, Staff of Ideal Pharmacy, Staff of Reginald Fitzgerald Armour Hospital.
Other relatives and friends both here and abroad, names are way too numerous to mention.
The funeral mass will take place at the Paix-Bouche Roman Catholic Church on 4th September 2020 at 3pm; internment at the Public Cemetery.
Persons attending the funeral should observe the COVID 19 protocol.