Dominica Editor's Choice

CSEC Exams Officially On The Way

CSEC Exams Officially On The Way

Fifth form french students returned to the classroom on Monday to sit the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate(CSEC) French Examinations, officially marking the start of the CSEC exams. The regional exams which usually begin in May had to be delayed because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Minister of Education, Hon. Octavia Alfred wished the students well and said that all necessary measures have been put in place according to the COVID-19 guidelines set forth by the Ministry of Health.

She said, “The Ministry of Education wishes all candidates sitting the exams well. We commend the effort of our secondary schools and our teachers and their parents who showed patience over the past months… In Dominica we have put all measures in place as directed by CXC and the Ministry of Health here to ensure that students are accommodated in a safe setting. I wish to remind all candidates to wear your masks from home to their exam center. Once sited, they will be instructed to remove the masks to write the exams”.

Also, the minister said that invigilators will ensure that candidates hands are washed and sanitized before they enter the exam room. 10 – 12 candidates will be allowed per room with desks placed 6 ft apart. Invigilators are also responsible to sanitize chairs, tables and devices before, during and after each exam.

Hon. Alfred assured the public that while students will only need internet access to download the exams and to submit, the Ministry of Education has ensured that all centers have reliable internet service. Further, IT technicians have also been assigned to the centers for troubleshooting.

In this year’s examinations the students will be graded on Paper 1 (Multiple Choice) and the School Based Assessment (SBA).

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