
PM Calls On Fathers To Step Up To The Plate

PM Calls On Fathers To Step Up To The Plate

The Honourable Prime Minister of Dominica and father of three, Hon. Roosevelt Skerrit, issued a call for fathers throughout the land to be present in their children’s lives and to make a meaningful contribution.

He said, “A father’s role in a child’s life is indispensable. If it means paying up because the court has mandated you to do so, then do it. Make sure that your Child Support Payment is in at the end of the month…Take up your responsibility from Day 1 so that your child is always given the best. But more importantly, I encourage us fathers to be there emotionally for our children. Let us show them love and affection”.

He went on to say that while “material support is good and  necessary, it is not all”. He said that children must know that they are valued in order to develop into confident, well adjusted members of society.


The Prime Minister stressed that a mother should not have to take a man to court to take care of his child.

The Prime Minister who himself is a father of three, made these comments in light of Father’s Day which is celebrated in June

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