Dominica Editor's Choice

Phase 2 of Coconut Project In Piplelines For Coming Months

Phase 2 of Coconut Project In Piplelines For Coming Months

The Caribbean Agricultural Research and Development Institute (CARDI), Dominica Unit is planning for the commencement of Phase 2 of a coconut project intended at providing farmers with quality planting material to boost the industry.

The project is of utmost importance for Dominica especially after the devastation suffered from Hurricane Maria.

Direcror of CARDI Dominica Unit, Dorian Ettiene, said that the project will continue to look at providing quality planting material as well as enhancing human capacity along the value chain to produce and process coconut products and developing market linkages, in addition to other things.


According to him, the Unit is presently in the process of recruiting a national coordinator and putting measures in place to coincide with the new COVID-19 regulations.

Pahse 1 of the Coconut project was completed in 2019.

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