
The Dominica Red Cross Tips for Hurricane Season 2020.  

The Dominica Red Cross Tips for Hurricane Season 2020.   

1.Protect yourself and family with a Family Emergency Plan.

Meet with your family before a hurricane or any impending hazard to allocate responsibilities to individual family members before, during and after the event.

2.Make a written or videotaped inventory of household items/property and store in a safe place or in waterproof containers with insurance policies, documents, and other valuables.


3.As a back-up of your valuable documents, consider scanning and saving to Dropbox, I Cloud or similar software programmes.  This will ensure that you always have copies of important documents.

4.Prior to the hurricane season you should trim the trees in your yard, especially those near your home, so branches do not become projectiles during a storm. Also, secure any unfastened galvanise on your roof and store any loose objects lying around.

5.Store extra food especially things that can be eaten without cooking or which would need very little preparation. Electricity may be off during a hurricane leaving you without refrigeration.

6.Know the designated shelter in your community if your home is not safe plan to move to the shelter before the storm approaches to ensure your safety and that of your Family.


Be Red Cross Ready!!

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