My name is Dr. Worrel Sanford and I am the declared United Workers Party (UWP) ‘Team Dominica’ candidate for the Salybia Constituency for the upcoming Dominica general elections. I have been and still am a fervent supporter of the ideas, plans, and policies of the UWP both in and out of government, and it is for this reason that I did not hesitate to accept the overwhelming calls by my constituents and Dominicans by extension, to become a candidate. Since becoming the candidate for my Kalinago community, however, my circumstances have shifted quite a bit and it is with this in mind that I now address you.
- I am a dad and a family man, and one of my little ones, in particular, demands the sort of attention that I cannot now offer if I were to continue on my mission to effectively serve the people of the Salybia constituency. I tried, believing that I could handle these two major responsibilities, and I did not farewell. My 4-year-old who has his own challenges is presenting behavioral changes due to my absence. My priorities must, therefore, be placed in order: my God, my family, my country. If I could indeed better balance my responsibility to my family and my desire to serve the people, there would be no need for this address – but I can’t.
- To my fellow Kalinago brothers and sisters my friends and supporters from Atkinson, Antrizzle, and Concord – my wider family, I am very sorry that I shall be withdrawing my candidacy for the upcoming elections, but I do so only because of the demands of the immediate family – especially in response to the needs of my children. To the leader, management, and membership of the Team Dominica (UWP), I ask that you please accept my profound regrets of not being able to continue as a candidate as I pledge to work with the party on the search for a winning replacement candidate. I will throw my complete support behind whoever replaces me; you can count on me for that.
Friends, Dominicans and especially my dear political opponents; let us remember that family is the most significant unit and that someone’s family is the source of their strength. Nothing replaces the comfort and love someone receives from their immediate family unit and I ask that you understand and appreciate my decision to stand down as a political candidate with this public appeal for your love, your understanding, and patience. I ask for your best wishes, your prayers, and support. We may be political opponents, but we are members of one Dominican family.
Let us, therefore, use this moment as a time for introspection, renewal and family building, because our nation needs strong family structures if we are to rebuild from our present state of disrepair. I thank you and ask, again, that you pray for me and my family. Please also pray for the strengthening of Kalinago families, family units in the wider Dominica (the Whitukubuli family), and families in the region and the wider world. May the bonds of our families be strong!