
A native of Dominica, Ama Francis forms part of the black climate and social justice leaders you have never heard of

A native of Dominica, Ama Francis forms part of the black climate and social justice leaders you have never heard of

The politics of climate change are shifting. This year, as the most diverse Congress in history was sworn in, its newest members called for an ambitious plan to overhaul the U.S. economy to draw down carbon pollution while tackling social injustice.

While the big, mostly white environmental groups hemmed and hawed about whether to support the proposal, a young, racially diverse coalition of advocates took to the Capitol steps to make the case. Organizers and activists long relegated to the sidelines are gaining momentum —  and political power —  as they push for bold solutions to the greatest challenge of our time.

A new generation of black luminaries stands at the vanguard of this movement. To learn about their efforts to fight exploitation and oppression, we spoke with 22 experts and advocates working for a healthy, just and equitable world.

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